Ecommerce Website Development Services

ecommerce website development services

Ecommerce Website Development Services

Have you been struggling to get the best eCommerce website development services? Well, you don’t have to worry – we got you. At AberSEO we have the solution to all your eCommerce website development service’s needs.

eCommerce website development services generally include all activities of creating, maintaining and revolutionizing of web stores.

By having a customized eCommerce website, you can easily realize more traffic and conversion in your website. At AberSEO, we are able to deliver the best eCommerce website development services and search engine optimization (SEO). In this post you will learn how our eCommerce website development services can help you grow your eCommerce business.

What Does a Successful Ecommerce Website Comprise of?

For an eCommerce website to be successful, it should include the right colors, images, fonts, graphics and words for it to have the ability to convince the visitors to buy from it.

What you should consider to be a successful eCommerce website design, should have the ability to attract potential buyers, provide the best user experience for your site visitors and able to present your shop/business in a professional way.

e-commerce SEO services

Some of Our Ecommerce Website Development Services Deliverables

eCommerce Strategy & Consultation

Are you lost on how you can bring your business to the online industry? Our eCommerce website development services also include strategy and consultation that you can take advantage of. This will help you get best customized solutions to head start your eCommerce business.

Custom eCommerce Design

At AberSEO agency, we have the best UI/UX designers who are able to create great user experience by integrating innovation, creativity, content and conversion to create a great website that will make your eCommerce website stand out from the rapidly increasing competition.

eCommerce Website Development

Our team of eCommerce website development experts have years of expertise in creating eCommerce website that are fast, secure, reliable and scalable – making sure that they follow the trends in the industry and customer likings.

eCommerce Website Optimization

Creating an eCommerce website is not the end of the journey. You need to have your site optimized for you to maximize on the benefits you will get from your site. After our web development experts are done in developing your site, our team of search engine optimization (SEO) will be patiently waiting to hold your hand through the rest of your eCommerce business journey.

eCommerce Platform Migration

Could it be that you are not pleased with your present eCommerce platform? At AberSEO, we have experts who are able to help you migrate your eCommerce site from your current platform to the most appropriate and effective platform with smooth integration and no downtime.

8 Ecommerce Website Development Services That Will Help You Succeed in Your Ecommerce Business

#1. A Comprehensive Seo Site Audit

An SEO site audit is very important if you already have an operational business. This will be very beneficial in that it will give you a deeper understanding of how your business is performing and also help you identify potential areas of growth in your eCommerce business. Without search engine optimization, your eCommerce business can never be found on search engines search results.

For you to consider a team of web developers to be beneficial to your eCommerce business, they should be able to offer professional SEO services as one of their web development services, since SEO is the foundation of any successful eCommerce business.

After the site audit, they should be able to come up with the best framework of how your eCommerce site can be improved in line with your business targets and goals. However, they should continually keep track of your sites performance in order to keep you updated on the future areas of improvement that will be beneficial to your eCommerce site.

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#2. Page Design and Copy (Words/content Written in Your Site)

Think of it in this way – how your site should looks is comparable to how a physical store should look. It starts from the outside; if a physical store is appealing, people will want to get in and see what is inside. After they are in, if whatever is in the store is also appealing and they love it, they will want to buy whatever is being sold in that store. The same case applies to your website.

If you have a site that is appealing from the outside, visitors will want to get in and see the content you have in it. If the content is also appealing, they will want to buy whatever it is you are selling in your site. The point here is to make your website as appealing as possible – reason being that online stores have much more competition compared to physical stores.

For instance, you can’t have a street that is only occupied by coffee shops; but for an eCommerce business, when a user does a search, the search engine will percent lots of sites that are offering exactly the same products as the ones you are offering on one page.

It is important to note in this case if your page and copy don’t look good, your competitor is just a click away and your visitor could easily become your competitor’s visitor. Therefore, the eCommerce website development services you work with should have experts who can work on your page and copy making it the best compared to your competitors.

#3. Creative Teamwork

eCommerce website templates and readymade themes are obviously easy to use – but the challenge is that you get a website that we can consider to be “personal” or in other words what you like. This is wrong in that what you like is not necessarily what the users will like. It could also fail to present your business in the right way.

The kind of website you need is one that will connect with your users and present your business in the best way possible. For this, a good eCommerce website development services provider will be able to develop the best site for you. You will have to teamwork with them – share your ideas of what you expect, what your business offers and your goals.

On the other hand they come with the experience and technicality needed to visualize the ideas. By having a great creative teamwork, you will be able to rise above the increasing competition in the eCommerce business space.

Creative Teamwork
SEO services proposal

#4. Devoted Project Manager

There is millions of great eCommerce website out there that you will be competing with. You surely don’t want to take chances when it comes to getting a greater site that will be able to rise above the high competition.

For this the eCommerce website development services agency that you want to work with is one that can devote a project manager that will strictly be focused on the success of your site. Most agencies will want to have you in and out as fast as possible, hence leaving you with a completely useless site.

The reality is that there are very many small but important details that get lost when you work with such people. It is very beneficial to work with an agency that can dedicate a project manager that will focus on your project from start; taking note of the progress to make sure you get the success you need.

#5. Website Design Mockups

Speaking of website design mockups, let’s take a case where you want to buy a car – would you pay for the car by just being told about the car without seeing the car its self? Obviously, No, you will want to go into the dealership and see the car you are to pay for – or even see pictures of it before you pay.

Well, mockups are those pictures you get before you pay for the actual thing. If you pay a web developer who doesn’t show you some mockups before the project commences, you are most probably up for a surprise.

You will lose your money, a lot of your time will be wasted then finally end up with a disappointment of a site. A good eCommerce website development services agency will have lost of website design mockups you can take a look at to help you make the right decision before you pay for the actual one.

website design mockups

#6. Customized Website Design and Layout

Think of this in terms of a physical store – what do you love about that store you frequently visit? What makes you visit it over and over again?

It goes without saying that the store must have been laid out in a way that is very conducive to provide the best overall experience, making you to want to visit it each time you are in need of the products or services they offer.

A well customized eCommerce website from its design to the layout will automatically encourage visitors to visit it, want to stay in it for longer, buy from it and want to return for more.

The web design agency you want to work with should have the understanding of how to customize your eCommerce site in line with your business goals and products and services you offer. By that, your visitors will have the best overall experience – hence you will record an increase in visitors and conversion rates.

#7. Outstanding Customer Service and a Number of Revisions

A good eCommerce website development services agency should be able to provide you with the best customer service you deserve and a number of revisions for the end product. If they can’t assure you that you will get that, your money is better spent somewhere else.

In as much as you could have discussed everything before the designing work started, something could come up in the course of the project and you need it included in the final product; or even after getting the final product, you realize something that you would wish to be rectified.

The revisions will give you room to get the corrections worked on without having to pay more. You want to work with people who are ready to listen to you, inform you on the progress of the work being done and have the best interest of your business in heart.

They should be friendly and welcoming, have an easy method of communication and a 24/7 customer support system where you can get help and queries answered at your convenient time.

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#8. Intelligent Website Hosting, Backup and Security

Make sure you find an eCommerce website development services agency that provides you with intelligent options when it comes to web hosting, backup and security. Most of the agencies will overlook this – but it is very important for you.

With the rising numbers in cyber-attacks, you need an agency that provides you with the best options to keep your site safe. You want an agency that will provide you with the best options to make sure that your website won’t experience moments of downed servers.

Your data is a very important part of your business – some part of running a business relies on data. You need to work with an agency that understands how important your data is and offers options on how you can have your data backed up.

eCommerce Website Development Services: Why AberSEO?

For sure, this list we have just gone through could feel intimidating for you – but you have to understand that each of the above points is very important. Getting an eCommerce website development services agency that can provide you all of those services discussed above, you can confidently relax knowing that you have a good foundation for a long-lasting success in your eCommerce business.
Does such an eCommerce web development agency exist? And where can I find such an agency? Well, that’s a good question. AberSEO agency is the best solution for you. With us you get all of those website development services discussed above. Our team of experts will become a reliable partner in your business. They will work with you from the initial consultation stage to the final the final revision stage to ensure that your success in your eCommerce business is achieved.
However, we don’t stop at that – after we have completed working on your website and you are happy with the final product, we then make you part of our AberSEO agency family. You can then benefit from the range of other services we provide at a discounted price, just like the many other happy returning clients. Does that sound good? Then why should you waste more time while we should be working towards your eCommerce business success? Contact us now and let us bring your eCommerce business dream to life.

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